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Wednesday, 9 April 2014



The thought of not eating for 3 days gives me the chills, however I'm all improving a healthy lifestyle. If the results will make my body feel good on the inside and out this could be an exception i'll try to make. 
The Juice radiance cleanse is a company specialised to help us choose a suitable cleanses for our personal needs and goals
Using the highest quality, raw and unpasterised, cold pressed juices from fresh organic ingredients.
Although all sounds good and exciting, these bad boys are quite dear, a 3 day cleanse would start from £215 to £495 (5 day)... soo if you haven't got the dollar, I guess we'll have to bear with the famous Green Machines.

kale chips? kale smoothies? kale flat bread? kale salad? People have gone kale krazy. However its super good for us it's low in calorie / no fat, high in fibre, high in iron and filled with powerful antioxidants! 


This fruit is a nutritional powerhouse providing numerous potential health benefits. Avocado's contain vitamin B6 and folic acid, which help regulate homocysteine levels. High level of homocysteine is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. These babies also help reduce skin redness and irritation and are involved in repairing damaged skin cells. = perfect face mask.
Low in fat and only about 80 calories per cup! Blueberries are full of fibre and keeps us fuller for longer. They contain tons of vitamin C . In fact one serving gives you almost 25% of our daily value. Vitamin C = healthy gums as well as healthy immune system! They also taste amazing (only if they're firm, no one likes a squiggly blueberry) 

These tiny weird looking superfood seed are a great source of healthy omega 3 fats and fibre, they are also easy to add to our diet. It contains calcium, mangaese and phosphorus. Chia seeds can be eaten whole, Chia seeds contain no gluten from grains. Therefore all of the nutritional benefits can be obtained in a gluten free diet! 

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